Our Church
Holy Trinity Surrey Hills :: Mont Albert, in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, is a faith-filled community in the classical Anglo-Catholic tradition.
​The parish began Surrey Hills in 1885 and has occupied the current site for over 100 years. It was a two-church parish until the closure of the original church building, St George's Mont Albert, in 1998.
We endeavour to be a church community which is warm and caring. Our parish is a place to meet your neighbours and to explore the Christian faith together in a rational and open-minded fashion, and with a sense of fun and enjoyment as we hold that worship is as much about laughter, as solemnity. We have a strong sense of community and there are many opportunities to be involved with each other through parish activities.
We worship God taking care to give thanks for the past, to celebrate the present and to embrace the future. In doing so we strive to share the good news of Christ, warmly welcoming all, and growing into Godly maturity. Holy Trinity is a place where God is encountered in ‘the beauty of holiness’, in the honesty of preaching and discussion, and in the lives of those trying to respond to God’s call. We are home to a varied and friendly community that includes, in its own way, the diversity of our community.
These are the things that we hold as valuable, precious and of key importance:
relevant and creative worship
an open and welcoming community life
the centrality of the Scriptures
a place of healing, reconciliation, thanksgiving and hope
maintaining a Christian presence in our Community